Access the Untapped Power of the Mind

Quantum Meditation is a Consciousness Technology and methodology that will profoundly impact your life and future. Discover how new breakthroughs in neuroscience and quantum physics can profoundly shape your understanding and ability to manifest your reality. 

Discover More

Quantum Meditation Foundations

12 Life Altering Meditations that will rock your world. Learn the basics of Quantum Meditation - Why it works - How it works - And how to integrate it into your everyday life to experience Biological Upgrades and Quantum Leaps.

Accelerated Manifestation Practices

Transmutation Breath-work Activation

Tune your Body and Mind as an Instrument for your Future

Crush Limiting Beliefs and Patterns

Access Your Super Human Potential

Elevate to New Levels of Consciousness

Make Shift Happen

You are the infinite creator of your reality. Your thoughts, your emotions, your energy, and your frequency all play a role in the Great Unfolding, of your present moment experience.

Yet, so many people are living unconsciously in the past, which greatly hinders they ability to create their desired reality.

An unlimited set future timelines, are available to you, right now. This is the access point. This process is a methodical approach to reconnecting with your #TrueNature.

To access the infinite, you must learn yourself to slow down, and tune in to the field of possibilities. Can you sense the potential you have?

This is how to accelerate your vision into reality. At the intersection of conscious evolution and the awakening of technology, humanity is on the precious of a Quantum Leap.

New research is proving that the human mind and body is a powerful magnetic force, and that we have the ability to heal any trauma, disease, and create an abundance of vitality, through thought alone.

Now is the time to make the choice. Will we rise to power and awareness, or allow the darkness of our past collapse our potentialΒ 

Quantum Meditation Mastery Course Includes

7 Step Quantum Meditation Process

You will have lifetime access to the 7 Step Quantum Meditation Mastery Process was designed specifically for week long meditation retreats. So you get to experience a meditation retreat in your own home.

New BrainOS Training Videos

Create a new mental model of how reality works. Harness your true nature, as the limitless creator of your future. Learn the techniques to develop the necessary muscle memory required to tap into the quantum field, instantaneously. 

Community of Coherence & Support

Our community and program will grow and evolve over the coming years. We invite you to join us on this journey as we continually create new tools, trainings, and videos to bring our whole tribe to new levels of coherence. Let's ascend together. 

Your Meditation Guide

Jonathan Barry is an impact entrepreneur and investor on a mission to activate conscious leaders and create systemic change. After a near death experience in 2009 he had a profound awakening that compelled him to shift his efforts toward helping humanity heal and thrive. He began his meditation journey after reading the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. During this time he began to receive visions of the future. He launched his first non profit and  hosted 100+ events, retreats and festivals around the world, and raised $1M to build a recording studio in Hawaii. In 2013 he wrote his first book “Hack Your Education” and toured to conferences, universities, internationally and presented a TED talk. Today Jonathan hosts leadership seminars and runs the Earth Trust Fund. Every business he runs is sourced from his meditation practice and he combines his passion for Personal Growth and Business Strategy to create unstoppable success for​ ​his clients. 


Experience a week long meditation retreat in your own headphones. This is a full week of expressing your cosmic nature. Dancing with the body, mind and soul and explore the intersection of the conscious and subconscious, cast your consciousness into the quantum field, and experience biological upgrades in this full week process. 



The 7 Phase Quantum Shift Meditation Process

Experience a transformational meditation retreat in your own home. We are bringing a cutting edge framework designed to quickly elevate your consciousness, increase your frequency and give you access to new potentials in the quantum field.


Methodical Process to Master Your Mind

Reconstruct your understanding of the nature of reality. As you build a new mental model for manifesting, you will begin to access new energy, new vitality, and a This is the foundation of the Quantum Shift Meditation Accelerator, and why it works every single time. 


Community of Coherence

Join our community of Quantum Creators who are on the mission to collectively elevate consciousness. Access all of our shared research and stay on the pulse of the industry with the latest research and information about human consciousness, biohacking, and quantum physics.

"I finally get it! I used to think meditation was just about quieting the mind, but now I see it is sooo much more. I was able to tap into my future, and actually start aligning with it, rather than trying to do it from my "old self", which I was doing most of my life. "

Jennifer, CEO/ Entrepreneur

""I would highly recommend this course to anyone..." I have tried so many strategies to help elevate my consciousness over the years including therapy, EFT, Theta Method etc. It never occurred to be that energy healing could be the answer to healing myself and others. Jonathan has a style that appeals to people like me who are beginners at this as well as those who have been doing energy healing for many years. I am a beginner but have been able to take all of these concepts and apply them very quickly. He simplifies each piece so it is accessible to the average person. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is open minded and has been searching for different ways to heal themselves. "

Kenna Noelle
Investor & Entrepreneur

"I feel like I have finally activated my power. After I went through Jonathan's program, I was able to get myself unstuck from the victimhood mindset, that I am light and love and have the ability to spread it to people around me. I feel I am now much in control of my situation. I can heal myself, center myself, stay calm in difficult situations and I'm able to influence and give calmness and harmony to people around me. I feel that the chaotic energies around me had substantially subsided and there is bliss."

Ka'imi Nicholson
Healer & Mother

""I felt lost and always had low energy levels and felt I was blocked energetically. I had no idea how to stay on track with spiritual enlightenment. I felt that the methods Jonathan has taught has helped me become more connected. I understand myself more and I am able to heal myself" "

Jessica Lorence

Infinite future timelines begin in this moment right now. Stop reliving the past and start tapping into your magic! This meditation will...

πŸ’Ž Activate Alignment in your body on a soul level.
πŸ’Ž  Accelerate Your Manifestation 
πŸ’Ž  Upgrade your Confidence
πŸ’Ž  Elevate Your Body & Brain
πŸ’Ž  Cultivate Focus and Energy 
πŸ’Ž  Discover the Power of Breathwork

Download the Energy Center Activation Meditation Free meditation and become a Quantum Creator, NOW

And get access to exclusive content that only people in our list has

Be part of our Quantum Creator Community

The Quantum Creator Community is constantly growing. We have hundreds of individuals sharing their revelations and upgrades in our facebook group. We add new meditations, trainings, and events frequently, so get involved. We invite you to evolve with our community! Make this the lifetime, where you fully actualize your greatest expression. Turn your life into a work of art. Starting from within.

Intuitive Timeline Design Session

Are you a purpose driven entrepreneur or creator who knows you are here on this planet to make a positive impact? Are you struggling to find the best strategy to move forward, or feeling out of alignment. Jonathan is a futurist that facilitates Timeline Design session where you align your future strategy with your life purpose. We will align your inspired message and your transformational offerings with the true essence of your Soul’s Purpose, so that you can magnetize strategic partners, prospects, allies, and clients, and create the life and business you deeply desire. Sacred Strategy is a catalyst for positive personal, professional and societal change.

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